BIBLE GATEWAY: Proverbs 9:7. One who corrects a scoffer gets dishonor for himself, And one who rebukes a wicked person gets insults for himself.
Posts published in “Christian Lifestyle”
Proverbs 7: Do Not Let Your Heart Turn Aside. Proverbs 7 starts out very much like the first six proverbs, and one may wonder, “Why…
Church of Christ Worship Songs Telugu Lyrics Now. Sunday Worship Songs in Church of Christ Srikakulam🙏👍 దేవా నీ దివ్య వాక్యము – ఈవిగా మాకు దొరికెను పల్లవి:…
Psalm 40: Finding Hope and Deliverance | Inspirational Verses Now. Does God answer prayer? That question is often asked by people. Sometimes, even Christians wonder…