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James 1:13-15: God Does Not Tempt Anyone Now

James 1:13-15: God Does Not Tempt Anyone Now. “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am being tempted by God’; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.”

These three verses have been the basis of countless sermons from almost the time that they were written. Of course, the reason is that the process it describes is so horribly accurate when it comes to the steps that lead to sin and the consequence. However, there is one important point that must be remembered. God does not tempt anyone, and He does not make anyone sin.


Many years ago, there was a funny little slogan that people would say when they were caught in something or had made a mistake. “It’s not my fault, the devil made me do it!” Comedians would use it in their show and the audience would laugh, but nothing was farther from the truth. Because the devil does not force people to sin either!

James 1:13-15: God Does Not Tempt Anyone Now

Now, yes, the devil DOES tempt people. But the decision to give in to the temptation is a PERSONAL decision. Therefore, the consequences are a result of PERSONAL decisions and actions. People will live worldly lives with no thought of God and His word. But when, as a result of their own actions and conduct, their lives experience some tragedy or upheaval, they desperately ask for help from God or become angry at God because of the mess that THEY created.


James 1:14-15 “But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust.” The process described in these verses is very clear, and this flies in the face of the doctrine that a person is born sinful due to Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden. A baby, a small child, or even an older child will do things that are wrong, but there is no real sense that the actions are spiritually or morally wrong.

But one day, as that child grows older and matures physically and mentally, the time will come where a situation has developed where a decision must be made and the thought that goes through that person’s mind is “I really want to do this, but I know that it is wrong”.


James 1:13-15: God Does Not Tempt Anyone Now

The temptation is attractive. Very few people are tempted to go to the dentist to have a tooth pulled just because they like having their teeth pulled! No, this is “bait” that the devil has placed before that young person. It may be going out with a group of friends to a party where there will be drinking, possibly illegal drugs, and very suggestive dancing. Yet, that young man or young woman KNOWS it would be morally and spiritually wrong. What will the decision be?

For an older man or woman, it may be a chance to get ahead in work if I “cheat” or “lie” just a little bit. “Afterall, it will only be a ‘little’ lie.” Or, there may be a ‘juicy’ piece of news heard about an acquaintance. It may be a co-worker, a neighbor, or even a brother or sister in Christ.


It is not something that has to be shared with others; but….. it is just TOO GOOD to not tell someone. The scriptures condemn gossiping and the person knows it. “But it not really gossiping if I just tell one person and make them promise not to tell others is it?” So, the bait has been set for the trap. Again, what will be the decision?

James 1:13-15: God Does Not Tempt Anyone Now

If the person TAKES the bait. In other words, he/she has been carried away and enticed by his/her own lust and has given in to the temptation, “Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.” It is important to note that “death” in this case is describing spiritual death just like what happened in the Garden when the Man and Woman ate the forbidden fruit. Obviously, when they ate the fruit, they did not physically fall over dead.


And today, being guilty of sin does not normally lead to immediate physical death. But the fact remains that the person guilty of sin is spiritually DEAD. That person has died as far as God is concerned, because the price for being guilty of committing sin is DEATH. On top of that, there is no way that a person can save himself/herself from that condition. So, alone, there is no hope for forgiveness.

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