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James 1:26-27: True Religion Requires Controlling Your Tongue Now

James 1:26-27: True Religion Requires Controlling Your Tongue Now. “If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless. Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”

A Christian life is a life of self-discipline and restraint. If a person does not make a conscious effort to change his life to become more like Christ, then that person is deceiving himself. It does not matter what the person thinks. This is especially apparent when it comes to the words that are used in everyday in conversation.


Spoken words reflect attitudes and emotions. If a person is calm and Christ-centered, then that will come out. But if a person is angry, impatient, arrogant, demanding, sarcastic, or uncaring then that will also show in the person’s words.

James 1:26-27: True Religion Requires Controlling Your Tongue Now

Then James described true religion in verse 27, and he included two requirements. One is to care for widows and orphans that are in need. In the time of the early church, and in most parts of the word today, there are many widows and orphans due to illness, social upheaval, war, and other such tragedies. Christians are to reach out to the helpless that have no other help and are in no position to help themselves. This is especially true for members of the church.


The second commandment is to keep oneself unstained by the world. That simple phrase encompasses the entirety of a Christian life. Passage after passage in the New Testament stresses the need to get rid of worldly attitudes and practices.

Every day is a challenge.


Every action can have consequences for good or evil.

Every moment, the Devil will try to cause a Christian to stumble and fall.


Each Christian MUST live intentionally.

Every waking moment, a Christian MUST remember that he/she has given his/her life to a new Lord and King.


A Christian is a new person in Jesus Christ, and that fact must be reflected in day to day living.

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